- are representations of direct reality, which comes in the form of signs and symbols.
- Drawings
- Sketches
- Cartoons
- Comics or Strip Drawings
- Diagrams
- Charts
- Graphs
- Maps
- These are crude and simple lines, which are effective in showing what needs to be shown with sufficient clarity, to make the meaning vivid to learners or students. They are drawings with no illusion of depth but a smart teacher can use them in a very effective way in explaining and showing ideas and concepts.
- Cartoons tell stories metaphorically through pictures, which need no captions. Symbolism conveys messages, less words more symbolism the better. The cartoon presents a certain issue or concern which could be either for or against it. It is a pictorial representation or caricature of a person, idea, situation or issue that is designed to influence public opinion. Therefore cartoons must be presented in a challenging manner. For better understanding they should be drawn around a single idea.
- Strip drawings are recommended for their story value in adaptation of the classics. They are effective in instruction not only because they are simple, clear and easy to read but because they deal with materials that has been made personal. Comics is a form of cartooning in which the same cast of characters form a story in sequence of closely related drawings, designed to entertain the readers. They are usually enjoyed by elementary pupils as well as secondary students because of their simplicity, attractiveness, color and relevant plot. The uses of super heroes or fantasy themes add interest to the learners. Thus the use of the comic strip in facilitating instruction must be used to the maximum.
- A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface.
- Diagrams are simplified drawings designed to show interrelationship primarily by means of lines and symbols. They are used to explain rather than to represent. It is a drawing that shows arrangement and relationship, as parts to a whole, relative values, origins and developments, chronological flow, fluctuations and distributions. The diagram is used to condense visual summaries of facts; the ideas rely heavily on symbolic means. However it must be remembered that it is more effective if it has a strong foundation because it works better for summarizing rather then introducing a lesson. It can be used singly but it is better if it is used simultaneously with other materials.
- Charts are graphic or pictorial representations of a large mass of information or show progression thru time and space of people or events, ideas and objects.
1. Data chart – contains items of information pf all sorts especially quantitative data.
2. Pictorial chart – use relevant pictures to present data or information on quantifiable data over a specific period or condition.
3. Schematic chart – shows a principle or a law as applied like that of refrigeration
4. Diagrammatic chart – verb chart is popular example
5. Multiple leaf chart – internal working parts of a machine
6. Phantom view chart – shows hidden parts of a machine without obliterating the outer parts
7. Development or progress chart – profile of a place or a person
8. Table chart – bus trips
9. Time and tabular chart – presidents and their term of office
10. Stream or tree chart – family tree
11. Flow or organizational chart – school personnel chart, life cycle of a frog or the water cycle.
Graphs3. Schematic chart – shows a principle or a law as applied like that of refrigeration
4. Diagrammatic chart – verb chart is popular example
5. Multiple leaf chart – internal working parts of a machine
6. Phantom view chart – shows hidden parts of a machine without obliterating the outer parts
7. Development or progress chart – profile of a place or a person
8. Table chart – bus trips
9. Time and tabular chart – presidents and their term of office
10. Stream or tree chart – family tree
11. Flow or organizational chart – school personnel chart, life cycle of a frog or the water cycle.
- Graphs present quantitative data for easier analysis and interpretation. It shows comparative relationship of data involved in size, trends and growth. Graphs are best used in developing and in summarizing a unit.
1. Line graph – is the most accurate of all graphs used in plotting trends of relationships between two series of data. It is used when there is a considerable number of data to be plotted and if these data are continuous
2. Bar graphs – simplest of all graphs to read. They are represented either by vertical or horizontal bars. The lengths of the bars represent an amount or percentage data. It is best when number of values to be compared is small.
3. Circle or pie graph – the sections of which are used to represent component parts of a whole. They always present total amounts, their parts or segments are calculated in percentage or fractional parts of a whole.
5. Pictorial Statistics or pictograph – it makes use of related pictures in showing quantitative data. Pictures give realism and interest so it is widely used specially in the elementary grades.
Maps- Maps are usually shown on flat surface and are used to represent the surface of the earth or some parts of it, showing the relative size and position according to scale or projection and position represented.
Maps according to content
a. Physical map – also called relief maps, they are the best because of their three dimensional representation; which includes geographical outline of land and water. Commercial or economic maps- also known as product or industrial map since they show land area in relation to the economy.
b. Political map – shows national boundaries down to the smallest division
Maps according to form
a. Chalkboard outline map
b. Student outline maps
c. Projected maps
d. Wall maps (decorative maps)
e. Atlas – collection of maps
f. Sand table map
g. Pictorial maps
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